Another card that makes many people uncomfortable, the Devil represents feeling bound, oppressed or limited.
Most decks illustrate this card with a fearful looking creature, part man and part beast. There are also people in the card who are chained or bound in some way.
If you look closely though, the people usually have a way to remove the chains. In the Waite-Smith card for example, the couple's hands are free and the chain is loose enough around their necks to be lifted over their heads. They are bound because they chose to be.
This card represents self imposed limitations, often due to fear. The Devil can also represent addictions, all of the seven deadly sins (pride, greed, gluttony, lust, envy, wrath and sloth), and deceit.
We are often comfortable with our problems and faults; they are familiar and safe. Breaking free entails venturing into unknown territory.
The Devil warns us to avoid excess, that many of our
limitations are self imposed and that we have the power to
break free and change things at any time.
The sign associated with the Devil is Capricorn ( practical, materialistic, serious and cautious), the color indigo, the musical note A.
XV The Devil - Materialism,
Ignorance, Stagnation