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Visualise Your Destiny

In 1994 Dr Masaru Emoto undertook a breathtaking experiment where he photographed water crystals in jars of water each having a different word written on the jar.  The results are simply asstounding.  


The jars with possitive words produced the most stunningly beautiful water crystals, with those with negative words producing awful looking water molecules.  Watch an outtake of the documentary 'What the Bleep Do We Know?' below to get a sesne of what this experiment was about.


Now considering that the human body is bout 60% water imagine the effects positive imagery, thinking, visualisation and energy have on your wellbeing, attitude, prosperity and overall spirituality.


Inspire your mind, body and soul with positive quotes, photos and imagery from the MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION pages from the main menu.  Or embrace your darker side and explore your Gothic creativity on the GOTHIC STYLE page.

Visualise Motivational quotes Inspiring Spiritual Photos

Dr Emoto's Water Crystal Experiment

The outtake below is from the Documentary What the Bleep Do We Know? I encourage you to do a Google Search to find out more about this amazing research.

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